Monday, November 13, 2006


There are a few simple ways of how a person can stay healthy.
Firstly, we must exercise regularly. We can go jogging in the park every morning or at least, three times a week.
Besides that, we must have a balanced diet. Do make sure that we have carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals in our meals. Other than that, we should also avoid oily and fatty food. Yes, those delicious hamburgers and fried chicken are in fact bad for health. Instead we should eat more fruits and vegetables. The high fibre in them is good for us and prevents constipation. Then, we must avoid consuming too much sugar. This will cause diabetes.
It is also a wise idea to go for check-up at least once a year. In this way, we will know if there is anything wrong with us. It is always easier to treat a disease in its early stage.
Finally, do not smoke. I am sure everyone knows that smoking is hazardous to health and may cause cancer.


Anonymous said...

i don't smoke but `sesekali lepas gian' & kenali sesaorng melalui apa yg dimakannya termasuk makan rasuah agaknya

Anonymous said...

i want to stay healthy but to be a vegetarian??...

revelation said...

u don't have 2 b a vegetarian. What matters is watch what u eat. always eat balanced meals.