Friday, August 04, 2006


I can still remember the time when I was in secondary school. In form 1 my class was on the top floor of the furthers block of the school. The thought of walking to class from the gate entrance and up those flights of stairs with a bag of heavy books every afternoon was really unbearable. Sometimes my friends and I were almost crawling up the stairs.
When we were up on the top floor, we were just too tired to go down to the canteen for recess or even to the ladies as it is located on the ground floor.

When I was in Form 4 & 5 my class was also on the top floor, but the building was overlooking the school field which was near the school gate. (^-^) It was a great blessing for my friends and I, as we don’t have to rush out just to catch the bus….
The class was always noisy as there were 24 boys and only 2 girls in it. However, those boys were the best! They were always there to help us, girls with almost any thing.

Now, looking at my own students I sort of missed those days where my friends and I would spend our time discussing different things and issues… Arguing and debating with ours teachers during the lessons… asking so many questions to the teachers and each other looking for answers… complaining about small things to the teachers… fighting and arguing in class with the boys over mundane stuff… and a lot more…

I can still remember all my teachers in school… they were the BEST! I remember Some of them for being kind, sweet and caring. I also remember them for being strict and firm.
Now… I am given a really great honor of working with some of my former teachers, and one of them happens to be the Principal in my school…

Now… I know the things that my former teachers felt and experienced when they were teaching their students. And I hope one day some of my students would become a teacher and experience the things I am experiencing now….

# some of my students are enjoying themselves in class (^-^)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I'm not that good in hockey but then, this year I am the Manager for the school's boys' hockey team (^_^). I can say that my boys are all good and spirited players (though sometimes they do look lost on the field). They've done their best to go to the final and they did. Unfortunately they only managed to get second place. But, hey it's better than getting nothing at all.... especially after I've spent quite a sum of money to feed them for three days!!!!

Well boys... congratulations and well done on the good work.

Shah.. thanks for keeping me company for three days...

Khai... thanks for coming and watching my boys in action...

Moon... watch your words, we don't want u to get another green card.

Pak Din... the stiches on your forehead were the best prize u got for going to the final (^.^)


Tinta ini mencatat apa yang terlihat di ruang mata
Dari jendela ku lihat bangunan
Bertingkat bercahaya
Kerdipan lampu malam
Jika semua bangunan ini milikku wahai adinda
Aku manusia terkaya di kota raya
Jika bilik-bilik kantor dijadikan pejabat kita
Yang mana satu kita gilir ganti dalam usia sependek ini
Jika bangunan terbentang luas bagai banjaran titiwangsa
Apa nilainya pada kita
Sekadar mengira untung rugi dari sewanya
Jika itu sudah menjadi milik kita
Istana mana yang bisa kita tinggal
Pilihlah, hati yang tidak bisa puas
Akan kita kejar lagi bangunan
pencakar langit di kota-kota lain
Akhirnya kita keletihan
Dalam mengejar bayang-bayang
Kemewahan sementara
Akhirnya kita sesat di tengah-tengah kota
Mencari jalan mana untuk pulang ke kamar kita sebenar
Dadaku makin berdenyut kepedihan
Ke pancaran cahaya, dari bangunan mewah ibu kota kuala Lumpur
Dalam impian,jika semua ini milikku
Keluargaku akan terkaya di kota indah Malaysia
Akhirnya aku keseorangan jua
Membawa kemiskinan pelaburan dosa pahala, yang belum menentu
Keseorangan di liang lahad
Mohon restu pelaburan di dunia dulu
Akhirnya milikku sebenar,
Kain-kain kapan pembungkus
jasad-jasad kerdil
Yang di bawa hanya dosa pahala'

Tuesday, August 01, 2006



suka berlawak

mudah tertawan kepadanya

sopan santun dan caring terhadap org lain

berani dan tidak tahu takut

orgnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan

pandai pujuk org lain

terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego

nilai harga diri yg sangat tinggi

dahagakan pujian

semangat juang yg luar biasa

cepat marah & mudah mengamuk

mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan

sangat cemburu

daya pemerhatian yg tajam & teliti

cepat berfikir

fikiran yg berdikari

suka memimpin & dipimpin

sifat suka berangan

berbakat dlm seni lukis,hiburan & silat

sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk

cepat apabila ditimpa penyakit

belajar utk relax

sikap kelam kabut

romantik ,pengasih,penyayang

suka mencari kawan