Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Went to a friend's wedding last saturday with Shah & Red. Glad that I can still remember the way to her house in BP. Luckily I managed to drive there without any problems. I can't describe what I felt when I saw her in her wedding finery standing beside her brand new husband *sigh* I think both of them look very compatible together. Way 2 go girl! hahaha... But... being Uyean, she was still the same eventhough it was her wedding. We managed to spare some time gossiping about a lot of things with the bride. CONGRATULATIONS Uyean.

That night Shah & I took Red out for dinner and a brief tour around our 'little' town. I'm happy that another friend of mine was here in my hometown.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the nite out! So how r u habdling everything?


Anonymous said...

i'm trying the best i can. hope i'll be ok till everything is settled